For the past few years I’ve been planning to participate in the local art show here in Jackson, WY. I participated in 2017, enjoyed it very much, and actually made a profit. Making a profit is not the reason I enjoyed the show, but rather meeting a lot of nice, interesting people (both visitors and fellow artists/craftspeople) as well as getting a lot and immediate feedback on my work. I was planning to do the show this year 2022; I applied (it’s a juried show) and was accepted. Long story short, I decided not to do the show due to other commitments. I’d like to participate in the 2023 show, but in the meantime I’ve been building inventory for a show over the last couple of years and have started to run out of space in our house to store everything. So I decided to post my work for sale on Etsy (Alchemy WoodShop) and the new pieces are shown below. I’ll get feedback on my work through Etsy via potential customers “liking” certain pieces or actually making a purchase. It’s just not as immediate as an art show…
New Work For Sale on Etsy