Craft Shows

Art Fair Jackson Hole 2017


Looking forward to participating in our local juried art show this summer scheduled on July 7-9, 2017.  With our recent relocation to WY, I’ve not only been busy re-establishing my workshop and making inventory for the show, but I’ve also given my craft booth layout a make-over and designed and built 3 new displays.  I’ll describe that in a future posting.

In preparation for the show here are some recently completed pieces, meditation altar tables and tea bag storage boxes.  I made 4 altar tables, 1 each from light & dark mahogany, cherry, and quarter-sawn white oak.  The tea bag boxes, shown with the recently applied finish still drying, have proven to be very popular at previous craft shows and in my online Etsy shop.  Preparing for a show feels like an alternate reality, there is just so much to do and it can become a singular focus.  I’m lucky & fortunate that I have found my passion in creating and working with wood.  Participating in an arts & craft show is another aspect of my passion that allows me to interact with people who appreciate and value the beauty inherent in handmade objects!